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Yes, a disclaimer—these things are always necessary whether we like it or not. First, I am not an expert in any one of these areas specifically. So, always, always, always consult a professional or expert if you are unsure of what to do or are in a difficult situation. This advice is meant to be a general overview of the topics to get you started, NOT a definitive guide to anything. Second, I am not liable for any damages that may come from any material in this guide. No, I don’t expect anything bad to come from this, but as stated before, I am not an expert. This guide is self-created, and so I don’t have an editor double-checking every word I say, so I cannot guarantee everything in this guide. I have done my best to be as accurate as possible, but I’m human and sometimes make mistakes because of that. Third, although I have tried to link helpful sources, I am not responsible for what outside sources say or for any negative effects that could come from their recommendations.
Feel free to share the link to this website, or even the guide itself, but please don’t do so without giving credit to the creator—that’s me! And definitely don’t sell this guide!
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